Guaranteed response time
When the client raises a support issue, OTOLINK promises to respond to the issue and then resolve it in a timely fashion.
Response times
The response time measures how long it takes OTOLINK to respond to a support request raised via OTOLINK Support Portal.
OTOLINK is deemed to have responded when it has replied to the client’s initial request. This may be in the form of an email, text messages or telephone call, to either provide a solution or request further information.
Guaranteed response times depend on the priority of the item(s) affected and the severity of the issue. They are shown in this table:
Issue severity (see Severity levels section, below)
P1 P2 P3
Response within 2 hours 8 hours 1 business day
Response times are measured from the moment the client submits a support request.
Response times apply during standard working hours (9am — 6pm) UAE time Monday to Friday.
Resolution times
The resolution time measures how long it takes OTOLINK support team to resolve or fix an issue raised.
Guaranteed resolution times only apply when the highest-priority items are affected by the most serious issues. In other situations, OTOLINK will make its best effort to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Issue severity (see Severity levels section, below)
Severe problem Intermittent problem Minor problem
Temporary Correction Within 1 business day Within 1 week Best effort
Permanent Correction
Response times are measured from the moment the client submits a support request to OTOLINK support Portal.
Severity levels
The severity levels shown in the tables above are defined as follows:
Severe problem: Non availability of the solution on a production system with acceptable workaround
Intermittent problem: No significant loss of functionality
Minor problem: Minimal inconvenience and no loss of functionality